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tree plantation

The o2h group have aimed at planting 100,000 trees across various regions of Gujarat, India. The goal is to achieve net zero as a company in near future by adopting and practicing sustainability initiatives including within the company.

o2h tree plantation

green buildings

From energy-efficient designs to effective waste management systems and water conservation efforts, we are committed to developing sustainable science tech parks, research facilities and labs.

o2h tree plantation

mindful consumption

We continually strive to observe our carbon footprints and by actively adopting sustainable practices such as green chemistry, avoiding single-use plastics and related, we strive to reduce our ecological footprint and support planet health.

o2h tree plantation
o2h discovery green chemistry
white paper

embracing green and sustainable chemistry

The o2h discovery green chemistry model is designed to reduce and/or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances and possess little or no toxicity to human health and environment.

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