05 Jul 21

Cambridge, UK, July 05 2021: o2h discovery is delighted to announce that one of its collaborators, NeoPhore Limited, a small molecule neoantigen immuno-oncology company has closed a successful £15.2m (US $21m) Series B round and has also expanded its drug discovery collaboration with o2h discovery.

NeoPhore Limited is dedicated to developing novel small molecules to treat cancer through stimulation of the immune system. NeoPhore’s drug target’s genetic mechanisms will promote neoantigen creation and diversity across numerous cancers. 

o2h discovery is committed to provide synthesis chemistry support to NeoPhore Limited to help them deliver on their groundbreaking science through the next phase.

Julian Blagg, VP drug discovery, Neophore said:

“We are delighted to expand our work with o2h discovery; their excellent support was critical to the scientific progress that underpinned our successful series B financing round. Quote from julian”

Sunil Shah, CEO of o2h said:

“We are happy to be working alongside such a talented group of scientists at NeoPhore and are looking forward to supporting them in the next phase of their journey”.

About o2h discovery:

Founded in 2005, o2h discovery has an integrated drug discovery platform operating from our state-of-the-art research centre in India and The Mill SciTech Park, Cambridge, UK. We have the in-house capability to execute hit-lead-optimization programs leading into patent and IND filing from our state-of-the-art biotechnology incubator with expertise in discovery chemistry, biology, pharmacology and the on-going project management of pre-clinical development. 

o2h discovery has developed and launched its proprietary application Chemistry in the Cloud TM (CITC) which is the world’s first app to revolutionize the project management of external drug discovery programs. The app enables communication between various scientific stakeholders essential to successful project advancement – leading to faster decision making. 

The DNA of o2h discovery is centered around the nurturing of its people, values and culture, it reflects in the way we work with each other, as well as our collaborators and partners. 

For more information, please visit www.o2h.com 

About NeoPhore Limited:

NeoPhore is a spin-out company of Cambridge-based PhoreMost Ltd, which collaborated with NeoPhore’s founders Professor Alberto Bardelli and Giovanni Germano to establish the new company’s innovative approach.

NeoPhore Limited operates as a biotechnology company and it targets the dynamics of cancer neoantigen evolution and aims to make well tolerated and effective medicines which will help discover the next-generation of cancer immunotherapies and improve the clinical outcomes for cancer patients.

For more information, please visit- www.neophore.com 

Media Contact:

Ajit Singh

Public Relations


Press Release – Curza and o2h discovery announce a multi-FTE chemistry collaboration against gram negative